Langkah operasi sterilisasi uap tekanan portebel


Ingsterilisasi uap tekanan portebel is a necessary piece of equipment in the process of microbiology research, because the process of making microorganisms requires sterile equipment, and these equipment need to be sterilized by a sterilizer to reach the standard of use, so Inguse of the bacteria pot is very important, especially pay attention to its pressure. If it is not well controlled, it may explode, so you still need to pay attention to it during use.

Bukak tutupe, jupuk tong ing njero lan sampeyan bisa ndeleng tabung pemanas listrik sing dadi panas ing sisih ngisor. Tuang banyu 3,5 liter menyang tabung pemanas listrik. Priksa manawa siraman tabung pemanas listrik dadi tabung pemanas listrik teleb ing banyu. Kudu ndeleng ing lumahing banyu kanggo mesthekake yen wis rendhem lan nambah banyu ing wektu.

Sijine barang sing wis disiapake kanggo disterilake menyang silinder batin siji-siji, nanging perhatian sing paling apik kanggo ninggalake kesenjangan ing antarane barang kasebut, lan gunakake kukus kanggo nembus, sing bisa nambah efek sterilisasi, nanging uga kudu menehi perhatian marang keamanan katup lan katup vent. Penyumbatan, iki sing paling penting. Yen diblokir, bakal njeblug. Sawise iku, tutup tutup lan kompor sekrup ing saubengé.

Banjur pasang catu daya, tutup katup safety lan katup curhat, lan atur regulator suhu dadi 121 ° C sajrone 30 menit. Mulai dadi panas. Nalika suhu mundhak dadi 110 ° C, mbukak katup pelepas udara kanggo ngeculake hawa adhem ing njero, banjur tutup, wiwiti dadi panas nganti 121 ° C, lan banjur wiwiti sterilisasi ing suhu sing tetep.

Ingtimer will automatically turn off after 30 minutes, and there will be a sound. When the temperature drops to 110℃, open the vent valve and start to reduce the pressure in the pot. Note that the lid cannot be opened when the pressure reaches 0. You can open the lid, take out the contents and put it in the oven. Ingoperation is very simple. It should be noted that the lid cannot be opened if the pressure is less than 0, remember!

sterilisasi uap tekanan portebel

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