Sterilisasi Otomatis Uap Silinder Horisontal
  • Sterilisasi Otomatis Uap Silinder Horisontal Sterilisasi Otomatis Uap Silinder Horisontal

Sterilisasi Otomatis Uap Silinder Horisontal

Sterilisasi Otomatis Uap Silinder Horisontal Tekanan Silinder, sing nggunakake cara pertukaran gravitasi kanggo ngeculake hawa adhem saka kamar kanthi luwih lengkap kanggo njamin sterilisasi sing bisa dipercaya. Sistem kontrol kanthi otomatis diatur.

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Sterilisasi Otomatis Uap Silinder Horisontal

Sterilisasi Otomatis Uap Silinder Horisontal


The Sterilisasi Otomatis Uap Silinder Horisontal, which is adopted the way of gravity exchange to release the cold air from the chamber more completely to ensure the reliable sterilization. The control system automatically adjust the steam inlet and outlet according to chamber temperature during sterilizing. This unit is an ideal equipment for clinics, scientific research institutes and other organizations to sterilize surgical instruments, fabric glassed, and the culture media etc.


Karakteristik Uap Tekanan Silinder Horisontal Sterilisasi Otomatis

â € ¢ Secara otomatis kontrol proses sterilisasi, gampang dioperasikake.

• Sterilisasi Otomatis Uap Silinder Horisontal is with drying function, suitable for the medical dressing drying.

â € ¢ Kanthi luwih saka suhu, nglindhungi tekanan kanthi otomatis.

â € ¢ Lawang ora bisa dibukak nganti tekanan ing ruangan mudhun dadi 0,027MPa. Lan unit kasebut ora bisa diwiwiti yen njero ruangan ora nutup kanthi apik.

â € ¢ Katup safety bakal mbukak kanthi otomatis nalika tekanan batin luwih saka 0.24MPa lan kukus bakal ngenteni tank banyu.

â € ¢ Otomatis mateni daya yen kekurangan banyu, lan weker nalika.

• Sterilisasi Otomatis Uap Silinder Horisontal is fully stainless steel structure.

â € ¢ Kanthi printer.


Data Teknis Sterilisasi SteamAutomation Pressure Silinder Horisontal





Data Teknis

Volume ruang steril(mmï¼ ‰


Ï † 440Ã — 1000


Ï † 515Ã — 1000


Ï † 600 × 1000

Tekanan kerja


Suhu kerja

134â „ƒ

Rentang nyetel suhu

40â „ƒ-134â„ ƒ

Wektu kanggo sterilisasi


Wektu kanggo pangatusan


Panas rata-rata

â ‰ ¤ ± 2â „ƒ


9kw / 380V 50Hz

9kw / 380V 50Hz

12kw / 380V 50Hz

Dimensi(mmï¼ ‰

1400 × 650 × 1600

1400 × 750 × 1700

1520 × 910 × 1900

Ukuran paket eksterior(mmï¼ ‰

1560 × 820 × 1820

1560 × 910 × 1880

1680 × 1080 × 2100

G.W / N.W

430 / 340kg

436 / 350kg

570 / 462Kg


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