Kain Protektif Pakai Bedah
  • Kain Protektif Pakai Bedah Kain Protektif Pakai Bedah
  • Kain Protektif Pakai Bedah Kain Protektif Pakai Bedah

Kain Protektif Pakai Bedah

Kain Protecive Disposable Surgical uga dikenal minangka sandhangan pemurnian, sandhangan tanpa lebu, lan liya-liyane. Gaun insolasi dhewe ora bisa dadi sumber emisi bledug, sing uga duwe efek supaya awak ora ngetokake bledug. Desain Kain Protecive Disposable Surgical kudu nduweni sifat dhasar kayata proteksi safety, kenyamanan, gampang operasi, lan estetika.

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Kain Protektif Pakai Bedah

Kain Protektif Pakai Bedah

Characteristics of Kain Protektif Pakai Bedah

1. tutup elastis: pasuryan pas, aman & ambegan

2. Manset Elastis: Kain penutupan kain nganggo bedah bisa ditutupi kanthi nyaman lan kenceng

3. Perlindhungan kaping pindho: Rubbertrip tahan banyu nduweni panyegelan sing kuwat

4. Desain Gabungan: Tambah pangayoman saka zat sing mbebayani

5. Pinggul sing nyaman: desain pinggul elastis isloose lan nyaman. Kain protèktif sing bisa dienggo bedah bisa uga cocog karo jinis awak

6. Eksklusif: Bahan Aman, jahitan ketat, tegas lan awet

INTRODUCTION of Kain Protektif Pakai Bedah

Kain Protektif Pakai Bedah is also known as purification clothing, dust-free clothing, etc. The insolation gown itself cannot be a source of dust emission, which also has the effect of preventing the body from emitting dust. The design should have basic properties such as safety protection, comfort, ease of operation, and aesthetics. Otherwise, the style of work clothes, fabrics and sterile underwear will directly affect the number of dust and colonies in the clean room.

Lingkup aplikasi sakaSurgical nganggo kain protèktif

Kain Protektif Pakai Bedah is widely used in clean workshops in electronics, pharmaceuticals, food, bioengineering, optics, aerospace, aviation, color tube, semiconductor, precision machinery, plastics, painting, hospitals, environmental protection and other industries. There are a variety of colors and specifications suitable for different Anti-static or clean environment.

Packaging of Kain Protektif Pakai Bedah

Kain Protektif Pakai Bedah

Kain Protektif Pakai BedahKain Protektif Pakai BedahKain Protektif Pakai Bedah

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