Robot Pencegahan Epidemi sing Dilacak
Pambuka Pencegahan Epidemi sing Dilacak:
The Robot Pencegahan Epidemi sing Dilacak, which is developed for the unmanned disinfection for the epidemic, is mainly applied to the high-risk infection areas, hospitals, communities, public plaza ,airports and other outdoor spaces to proceed the auto spraying disinfectant. And it can be also used for the auto pesticide spraying in the farm and orchard.
Robot Pencegahan Epidemi sing Dilacak adopts the full sources navigation solution combined satellite navigation , inertial navigation , lidar and camera, which realize the continuous indoor and outdoor positioning and navigation. It has high-performance in various of aspects such as topography adaptability, working efficiency, battery life, obstacle detection, and route plan.
Operator bisa entuk interaksi langsung kaya nggawe setelan lan entuk peta area kerja liwat ponsel utawa tabletAPP.
Interaksi jarak jauh bisa diwujudake liwat jaringan 4G, kanggo ngrampungake tugas tugas, upload prosedur kerja lan pengawasan wektu nyata.
Kecepatan drive bisa nganti 1m / s, lan efisiensi kerja 15000 Ž / jam.
Karakteristik Epidemik Dilacak Robot Pencegahan:
l Kemampuan sing apik banget kanggo adaptasi karo topografi.
l Kinerja konstruksi sing dilacak kanthi dhuwur, ora wedi karo dheweke
l Climbing miring36 °, siji langkah 17cm
Spesifikasi Pencegahan Epidemik Dilacak:
Ora |
Kategori |
item spesifikasi
isi |
1 |
fungsi |
Manajemen papan |
The Robot Pencegahan Epidemi sing Dilacak completes recording of the working map through APP or remote control walking and timekeeping. The data would be saved locally, and be uploading through 4G network to background. |
2 |
Manajemen tugas |
Tugas kasebut diwenehake liwat backgroundor APP seluler menyang robot, lan umpan balik bisa dikirim menyang latar mburi saka robot liwat jaringan 4G. |
3 |
Pangenalan lingkungan |
Robot Pencegahan Epidemi sing Dilacak will auto recognize the obstacle during working to revise the working route, and make the feedback to background working data immediately. |
4 |
Rencana tugas |
Robot Pencegahan Epidemi sing Dilacak plans the best route to the working task, including working procedure and route. |
5 |
Bisa kanthi otonom |
The Robot Pencegahan Epidemi sing Dilacak walks autonomously through the planned working route and drives the sprayer to spray at the same time, it would monitor the remaining volume of the dosing box and the remaining battery power, then return to the supply port if water or power shortage. The robot can be manually remote controlled. |
6 |
Performanceindikator |
pemandangan kerja |
Wilayah infeksi berisiko tinggi, rumah sakit, komunitas, alun-alun umum, bandara lan ruang luar ruangan liyane €
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ukuran robot |
Ukuran lengkap :( L * W * H) 85 * 68 * 50cm Bobot kebak (tanpa cairan): 45kgs kapasitas tangki banyu: 20L |
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kacepetan apa |
Mlaku mlaku: 24V / 250W brushless DC Kacepetan mlaku: 3,6km / jam kacepetan lumampah adegan tartamtu: 7.2km / jam |
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nyemprotake rancangan |
Motor blower: 24V / 800W brushless DC Motor pompa banyu: sikat 24V / 500W DC |
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kekuwatan |
Paket batere lithium 24V 40Ah |
11 |
efisiensi kerja |
20000㎡ / h |
12 |
umur batere |
1h |
13 |
Area kerja sawise ngisi daya |
20000㎡ / h |
14 |
Area kerja sawise nambahake banyu |
10000ŽŽ¡ |
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wektu ngisi daya |
1h |
16 |
Internalindikator |
Kompatibilitas rasi navigasi |
17 |
Kompatibilitas fasilitas CORS |
CORS NET, stasiun basis |
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Wektu inisialisasi sistem |
â ‰ ¤150S |
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Akurasi Posisi RTK |
Akurasi pesawat: â ‰ ¤1.0cm (RMS) Akurasi dhuwur: â ‰ ¤2.0cm (RMS) |
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Akurasi |
Akurasi kursus ¼ ¤0.2 ° (RMSï¼ ‰ Akurasi sudut pitch / roll: â ‰ ¤0.2 ° (RMSï¼ ‰ |
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Penentuan sikap posisi rataate |
10 Hz |
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Akurasi deteksi alangan |
â ‰ ¤10cm(RMSï¼ ‰ |
23 |
Pemodelan lingkungan |
â ‰ ¤10cm(RMSï¼ ‰ |
24 |
Akurasi kontrol lumampah kendharaan |
Workâ ‰ ¤2.5cm(RMSï¼ change owah-owahan pemandanganâ ‰ ¤2.5cm(RMSï¼ ‰
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Komunikasi |
Jaringan komunikasi 4G (databroadcasting RTK, komunikasi latar mburi, kalebu tugas tugas, umpan balik workcondition, umpan balik gambar langsung), Bluetooth / wifi (kanggo Hubungan APP ing situs); 2.4GHz (remot kontrol) |
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Syarat liyane |
kisaran suhu kerja |
0â „ƒ ~ 60â„ ƒ |
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Rata-rata wektu bebas masalah |
1000 jam |
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Rata-rata wektu nembak masalah |
1jam |